Dystonia Video Contest

“How I Explain Dystonia”

“How I Explain Dystonia”

Tell us how you explain what dystonia is, and how it affects you, to other people. Your video explanation may help someone who is struggling to explain dystonia to the people in their lives.

Individuals with all types of dystonia, of all ages, are welcome to participate.

Individuals are invited to submit a video to demonstrate how they explain what dystonia is, and how it affects them, to other people. The purpose of the video is to help promote greater public awareness and understanding of dystonia.

Choose ONE of these situations for your video:

  • How I explain dystonia to FAMILY. Tell us how you help loved ones understand how you feel, physically and emotionally.
  • How I explain dystonia to CO-WORKERS. Tell us how you explain dystonia to the people you work with, and what you keep to yourself.
  • How I explain dystonia to FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS. Tell us how you explain dystonia to the people you socialize with.
  • How I explain dystonia to A DATE. Tell us how and when you talk about dystonia with romantic partners.
  • How I explain dystonia to my CHILD’s TEACHER. Tell us how you educate the adults in your child’s life about what dystonia is, and is not.

Videos must be a maximum of 2 minutes long.

You are welcome to submit more than one video.

A panel assembled by the DMRF will select one winner who will be notified via email. The winner will receive a $100 gift card, and be recognized on the DMRF website and in the Dystonia Dialogue newsletter.

Participants must do the following:

  • Submit a dystonia awareness video that demonstrates how you explain dystonia to other people.
  • Submissions must be received by October 7, 2019.
  • Multiple entries are allowed. Each entry must be a complete, stand-alone video. I.e. No teasers or sequels such as “In my last video I talked about [insert topic]…” or “See my next video where I talk about [insert topic]…”
  • The contest is open to adults and children. Children under the age of 18 who participate must have permission from a parent or guardian.
  • DMRF may share submitted videos on social media before the judging process.
  • By entering the contest, you provide the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) permission to use your name, information provided, likeness, photos, and/or video for any awareness or educational materials produced by the DMRF. Contact information collected is used solely by DMRF and is not distributed to third parties.

In order to be considered in the contest, videos MUST:

  • Accurately explain dystonia in a simple, conversational way. No need for fancy graphics or effects.
  • Encourage viewers to search “Dystonia Medical Research Foundation” or visit
    https://dystonia-foundation.org for more information.
  • Have adequate lighting and audio volume, without excessive background noise.
  • Be 2 minutes or less in length.
  • Not advertise products, services, brands, or otherwise promote commercial or individual interests.
  • Be submitted to DMRF by October 7, 2019 to be included in the contest.
  • Submit your video here: https://dystonia-foundation.org/video-contest

A panel assembled by the DMRF will review submissions and evaluate videos based on factual accuracy, effectiveness as public awareness tool, and adherence to specified guidelines.

A panel assembled by the DMRF will select one winner who will be notified via email. The winner will receive a $100 gift card, and be recognized on the DMRF website and in the Dystonia Dialogue newsletter.

Winner must respond to DMRF within two weeks of notification to collect prize.

Copyrighted materials, including music, can only be used with written permission of the material’s owner. If copyrighted materials are used in a video, it is the responsibility of the contest entrant to obtain permission for use of any copyrighted, trademarked, or protected materials.

DystoniaTalking Points

Need help making sure your dystonia awareness video is factually accurate? Use this cheat sheet to brush up on dystonia basics.

Dystonia Community

How You Can Help
