Discovery Begins with Imagination
The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) was founded on the promise two parents made to their child. 45 years ago, Sam and Fran Belzberg vowed to do whatever it took to find answers for their newly diagnosed daughter and for people everywhere living with dystonia. They imagined a future without dystonia and the DMRF’s commitment to finding a cure has never wavered.
We rely on the intelligence and imagination of the research and scientific community, the dedication and creativity of our awareness advocates and generous support from donors like you to fulfill our mission. Together we are ensuring that new medical discoveries will be made, and patients and their families do not have to face dystonia alone.
Discovery begins with imagination. The goal of DMRF funded research is to improve the lives of individuals affected by dystonia. DMRF science priorities are oriented toward patient benefit and employ every promising opportunity to push progress forward. With your support, DMRF has made critical contributions to the dystonia field that range from funding preliminary studies that continue to inspire future investigations to recruiting the best and brightest scientists to work on solving dystonia.
We invite you to renew your commitment to creating a future without dystonia and to the work of the DMRF to get us there by making a gift today.