The dystonia community joins the world in mourning the loss of Caroll Spinney, whose iconic contributions to Sesame Street and popular culture as characters Bird Bird and Oscar the Grouch will endure indefinitely.
Dystonia is a chronic neurological disorder that can dramatically impact quality of life. There are numerous types of dystonia, which can affect adults and children of all ages. The vast majority of cases are not fatal. The DMRF leadership sincerely hopes Mr. Spinney had access to the necessary resources and support to live his life to the fullest, beyond dystonia, and DMRF remains available to provide such assistance to affected individuals everywhere.
On behalf of the dystonia community, we extend our deepest condolences to Mr. Spinney’s family, friends, and fans.
Photo by Robert Deutsch and USA-TODAY.
The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing research for improved dystonia treatments and ultimately a cure, promoting awareness, and supporting the well-being of affected individuals and families.