Hey Pet Pals! I’m Kahlua and I cannot tell you how much I love participating in this event with my two-legged bestie. The DMRF has been an extraordinary foundation for helping those with dystonia. As you may know, dystonia hits very close to home for us. Dystonia isn’t an easy thing and for those affected by it, it can have a major impact on their lives and the people in their life. I’m committed to working my pawerful magic in her life daily while the DMRF does its magic to push forward in its mission to help everyone with dystonia. By supporting my team you help everyone with dystonia!

Throughout February support Kahlua and the other pets registered for DMRF’s Dystonia Pet Palooza by making a donation today.

Donation Goal

$25 of $250 raised


Marilynne Herbert

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Donation Total: $5.00
