Current Projects
Funding Dystonia Investigators
The ultimate goal of the Science Program is to support the discovery of improved therapies and a cure.
The DMRF is dedicated to stimulating the field of dystonia research and supporting the collaborations and projects necessary to accelerate progress. Each funded project addresses one or more of the core directions necessary to advance the dystonia field. These core directions include furthering our fundamental understanding of what dystonia is, uncovering the mechanisms in the nervous system that lead to symptoms, creating models of dystonia to use in experiments, and discovering targets for new and improved therapeutics designed specifically to treat dystonia.
Congratulations to our current award recipients, and infinite thanks to our supporters for making this research funding possible.
Research Grants & Contracts
Research grants are available in support of hypothesis-driven research at the genetic, molecular, cellular, systems, or behavioral levels that may lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiology or to new therapies for any or all forms of dystonia. Contracts provide the opportunity to direct research through the identification of specific, milestone-driven projects to be conducted by identified investigators and closely monitored by the DMRF’s Chief Scientific Officer.
New in 2024
Noreen Bukhari-Parlakturk, MD, PhD
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Supported by the Cure Dystonia Now Fund of the DMRF
Dr. Bukhari-Parlakturk will explore the effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a non-invasive treatment for dystonia. She will test the clinical effectiveness of this treatment on patients with focal hand dystonia and hopes to leverage her findings into a phase III clinical trial.
Dr. Noreen Bukhari-Parlakturk explains her latest research:
Katja Lohmann, PhD & Laura Scorr, MD
University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany
The goal of this study is to reveal the anatomy of dystonia by analyzing causal links between symptoms and brain structures affected by lesions. This will ultimately identify targets for new brain stimulation methods.
Dr. Katja Lohmann explains her latest research:
Dr. Christian Schlieker explains his latest research:
Meike van der Heijden, PhD
Virginia Tech University, Roanoke, Virginia
Dr. van der Heijden seeks to further explore the neural mechanisms in the cerebellum that cause dystonia. By using mouse models to examine two different cell types found in the cerebellum, she hopes to uncover how changes in brain signals can cause dystonia.
Dr. Meike van der Heijden explains her latest research:
Continuing Projects
Daniel Corp, PhD
Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
The goal of this study is to reveal the anatomy of dystonia by analyzing causal links between symptoms and brain structures affected by lesions. This will ultimately identify targets for new brain stimulation methods.
Jean-Francois Nankoo, PhD
University Health Network, Toronto, Canada
This project aims to explore the effects of a novel non-invasive brain stimulation technique that has the potential to be a safer, less costly, and more accessible alternative to deep brain stimulation.
Christian Schlieker, PhD
Yale University, New Haven, CT
This project will use advanced molecular methods to develop new pharmacological approaches that disrupt the cellular cascade leading to neuronal dysfunction with the aim to select specific compounds with drug-like properties that may potentially be developed into dystonia drugs.
Brian Berman, MD, MS
Virginia Commonwealth University
This research proposal will lead to an increased understanding of the neurobiology of cervical dystonia and the role that altered inhibition plays in the disorder. This study will further help establish whether GABA (an amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter) levels in the sensorimotor network change when the dystonia is treated with botulinum neurotoxin injections and whether measurement of GABA levels is stable over time. If positive, the findings from this research could lead to a reliable imaging test to aid in the diagnosis of cervical dystonia or to an objective way to track responses to novel therapies and thereby accelerate much-needed treatment development. Findings from this research study could further provide the preliminary data needed to apply for a larger federal grant to investigate the role abnormal inhibition plays in other types of dystonia as well as in the progression and spread of dystonia in affected individuals.
Cecile Gallea, PhD
Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris
Connie and Jim Brown Early Stage Investigator Award
Myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) is a movement disorder caused by mutations in the SGCE/DYT11 gene. The neurological basis of this disorder remain elusive, but evidence points towards a network dysfunction involving the cerebellum, the striatum, and the cortical motor areas. The myoclonus in M-D often improves after consuming ethylic alcohol (EthA). While other treatment options have frequently been ineffective or poorly-tolerated, the addictive and neurodegenerative consequences of chronic alcohol consumption prevent its use as a sustainable treatment option. Octanoic alcohol (OctA) may represent a beneficial alternative to EthA: it alleviates motor symptoms in patients with essential tremor in a way similar to EthA but without causing intoxication or other adverse effects. However, the mechanism of action of OctA and the neural circuits it affects are currently unknown. This collaborative project will use a translational and multimodal approach. In an M-D mouse model, the researchers will investigate the efficacy of OctA to reduce dystonia and repetitive, myoclonic-like, jerking movements in mice that have improved after administration of EthA. In M-D patients, the research team will test whether OctA reduces myoclonus severity as well as non-motor symptoms such as anxiety. Lastly, they will isolate the OctA-responsive network using functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in M-D patients and electrophysiological recordings in the M-D mouse model. The project will provide preliminary data to explore new non-invasive therapeutic options. These preliminary data will be the starting point of a bigger collaborative work to unify efforts to deepen understanding of the mechanisms underlying DYT11 symptoms and pathophysiology.
Leighton Hinkley, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Supported by the Cure Dystonia Now Fund of the DMRF
Non-invasive neuromodulation—where brain stimulation is delivered without surgery—is an exciting new method for treating movement disorders including focal dystonia. One particular technique, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), has provided clinical benefit for the treatment of many neurological and psychiatric conditions and has been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to treat conditions such as major depressive disorder. While great effort has been made over the past two decades trying to develop rTMS as a treatment option for focal dystonia, studies have failed to deliver a consistent, effective protocol to reduce the dystonia symptoms.
Although there are different ways to deliver rTMS dosage, most of the studies that have been done using rTMS for dystonia stimulate the exact same region of the brain across all patients, assuming that this one location is the focus of the disorder. Focal dystonia is a very heterogeneous condition, impacting different structures of the body, for example, the vocal cords in laryngeal dystonia or the hand in task-specific focal hand dystonia. One reason why previous rTMS trials for dystonia have not had great success may be because the optimal rTMS stimulation target for dystonia treatment may not be in the exact same location for each and every patient.
In this study, investigators adopt a personalized approach for identifying the correct place to stimulate using rTMS for focal dystonia. They hypothesize that the specific regions of the brain that act as dystonia “hotspots” for stimulation will vary across the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain in each patient, true to the nature of dystonia being different in every individual. To identify these specific hotspots, they take a next-generation approach using non-invasive neuroimaging including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) to identify abnormally connected or abnormally active regions of the brain in patients. Resting-state fMRI maps are a powerful way to look at functional connections in the brain and differences in those connections. Guided by this brain imaging data, the investigators will generate personalized maps of optimal sites to stimulate with rTMS. Using these personalized maps as a guide, they will deliver a single session of rTMS to see if stimulating that patient-specific region changes some of the clinical characteristics of laryngeal dystonia and task-specific focal hand dystonia as well as some of the cognitive and behavioral features identifiable in those movement disorders.
The goal of the project is to provide a framework and option for delivering neuromodulation in a better way than what is currently available. The investigators need to understand the best way to deliver neuromodulation for each patient before the next steps to large scale treatment trials and ultimately the clinic. A more informed approach guided by neuroscience for the treatment of dystonia will ultimately help patients get the greatest benefit from neuromodulation.
Simon Little, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Supported by Jennifer and Philip Maritz
In addition to being a treatment, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is helping researchers understand how dystonia affects the brain. Recent work has shown that brain signals in dystonia are different from those without dystonia or with other neurological disorders. This has revealed a pattern of activity in the deep parts of the brain that repeats around five times per second in people with dystonia and is linked to muscle activity. However, investigators don’t yet know the significance of this signal and whether it causes muscles to contract or is simply a marker that they have done so. Also, if it is a cause of dystonia, it isn’t yet known how this interferes with the healthy sensory messages that come into the brain or the movement signals that leave the brain. To answer these questions, Dr. Little and team are using new sensing-enabled DBS devices which can record brain signals as well as provide stimulation therapy. They have implanted this device in a small group of dystonia patients and found that the dystonia signals are present in all patients recorded so far. They are investigating how this signal relates to muscle activity and sensory processing. They are also testing this new type of adaptive stimulation to see if it may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than standard continuous DBS. This study will further understanding of how brain signaling goes wrong in dystonia, knowledge which could potentially lead to the design of new and improved therapies.
Anne Weissbach, MD
University of Lübeck
Connie and Jim Brown Early Stage Investigator Award
Myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) is a neurological movement disorder often characterized by a combination of generalized myoclonic jerks, dystonia, and psychiatric disorders. Mutations in the SGCE and VPS16 genes have been identified as genetic causes of the disease. Both genes are important for the function of an area of the brain called the cerebellum. These investigators and others have demonstrated that individuals with M-D have deficits of cerebellar mediated learning. How cerebellar malfunction in these patients affects the cortex of the brain, particularly regions important for motor control is of particular interest. Dr. Weissbach is leading the first study to investigate potential symptom reduction and neurophysiological changes in M-D patients before and after repetitive non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). The study aims to identify the clinical cerebellar deficit, identify abnormalities of cerebellar function and its interaction with the cortex of the brain as well as examine the reversibility of these abnormalities through the application of cerebellar rTMS. These findings will foster development of new treatment strategies.
Research Fellowships
Over the years, DMRF has created funding awards to support young investigators at different stages in their scientific training. Postdoctoral fellowship awards recognize and support outstanding young scientists who have earned a doctoral degree and have embarked on a period of mentored research.
DMRF is supporting postdoctoral fellows who are working to fundamentally improve our understanding of brain dysfunction and molecular mechanisms underlying dystonia.
New in 2024
Abigail Wilson, PhD
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Supported by the David M. Rudolph Fund
Dr. Wilson aims to find new drug treatments for patients with DYT-TOR1A dystonia. Using fly models with the same genetic mutation, she will test medications used for other disorders to see if they positively impact the dystonia symptoms. She hopes this will facilitate further therapeutic options for dystonia patients.
Dr. Abigail Wilson explains her latest dystonia research:
Lucia Feldmann, MD
Charité Hospital, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Feldmann will explore the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation by using a sensing-enabled neurostimulator to record brain electrical activity in dystonia. This study could lead to the development of personalized therapy for dystonia.
Dr. Lucia Feldmann explains her latest research:
Continuing Projects
Filipa França de Barros, PhD
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
The aim of the project is to quantify and manipulate the brain activity underlying a dystonic forelimb movement in mice. The results should facilitate targeting specific neuronal populations of the direct basal ganglia to produce more efficient therapies.
Linda Kim, PhD,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Mahlon DeLong Young Investigator Award
Dr. Kim will test the hypothesis that the unique pathophysiological cerebellar neural signals in dystonia can serve as robust biomarkers for triggering an adaptable closed-loop deep brain stimulation response to restore movement with high precision.