Events & Zoo Days

Dystonia is a movement disorder.

If you would like to plan an event in your community, please contact us with questions.

Go Wild and Register to Attend a Dystonia Zoo Day Near You!

Join our email list for notification of events near you.

July 27 2024
Oregon Zoo

August 10, 2024
Potter Park Zoo

August 25, 2024
Franklin Park Zoo

September 8, 2024
Pittsburgh Zoo

September 14, 2024
Indianapolis Zoo

September 14, 2024
Brookhaven Wildlife & Ecology Center

September 14, 2024
Nova Wild (VA)

September 21, 2024
Como Zoo

September 28
Ft. Wayne Children’s Zoo

September 28, 2024
Toledo Zoo

October 5, 2024
Virtual Dystonia Zoo Day

Upcoming Events

Find a Dystonia Medical Research Foundation event near you.

Follow Jon’s Ride in 2024

September 21, 2024

June 13-16, 2024

September 21, 2024

September 1-30, 2024

Support Our Friends Going the Dystance4Dystonia

United Airlines Half – March 17, 2024
