Research Funding Programs

Dystonia is a Movement Disorder

Since the first year of operations, the DMRF has supported research investigations related to the causes, mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of all forms of dystonia. DMRF’s major grant funding mechanism is based on requests for applications focusing on specific research areas informed by the Medical & Scientific Advisory Council and scientific meetings and workshops. The DMRF simultaneously  remains open to new investigator-initiated ideas and approaches, which are accepted throughout the year.

The DMRF also collaborates with investigators and research entities to address a specific question or knowledge gap through research contracts.

Current Funding Opportunities

For information on funding opportunities through the Dystonia Coalition contact Gamze Kilic-Berkmen at dy***************@em***.edu

The FY21 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding to the Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program to support research that will improve the health, care, and well-being of all military service members, veterans, and beneficiaries by encouraging, identifying, selecting, and managing medical research projects of clear scientific merit and direct relevance to military health. As directed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, the Defense Health Agency J9, Research and Development Directorate manages the Defense Health Program (DHP) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation. The managing agent for the anticipated Program Announcements/Funding Opportunities is the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC).

FY21 PRMRP Program Announcements and General Application Instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.

Congressionally Directed Topic Areas: Applications submitted to the FY21 PRMRP must address at least one of the FY21 PRMRP Congressionally directed topic areas. As of the release date of this pre-announcement, dystonia is included in the FY21 PRMRP Topic Areas have not been finalized. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the Government to include any of these Topic Areas or others in the FY21 PRMRP.

Dystonia is among the potential FY22 PRMRP Topic Areas.

For more information about funding opportunities, please contact us
