Virtual Dystonia Zoo Day Highlights

Thank you to everyone who stepped up to support Virtual Dystonia Zoo Day to benefit the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF). The following videos are excerpts from the program on September 25, 2021. There is still time to donate! [media_video unique_id=”124751b0175b17f93316fb998d278df3″ shortcode_name=”” video_type_picker=”video” video=”” vimeo=”” upload=”” width=”” frame=”{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›no‹²›,‹²›yes‹²›:{‹²›border_size‹²›:‹²›1‹²›,‹²›border_color‹²›:{‹²›color‹²›:‹²›‹²›,‹²›id‹²›:‹²›fw-custom‹²›}}}” animation_group=”{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›no‹²›,‹²›yes‹²›:{‹²›animation‹²›:{‹²›animation‹²›:‹²›fadeInUp‹²›,‹²›delay‹²›:‹²›200‹²›}}}” responsive=”{‹²›desktop_display‹²›:{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›yes‹²›},‹²›tablet_landscape_display‹²›:{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›yes‹²›},‹²›tablet_display‹²›:{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›yes‹²›},‹²›smartphone_display‹²›:{‹²›selected‹²›:‹²›yes‹²›}}” class=”” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”4566d58bc8f846fee5a2dbf6f8da3904″ _array_keys=”{‹²›frame‹²›:‹²›frame‹²›,‹²›animation_group‹²›:‹²›animation_group‹²›,‹²›responsive‹²›:‹²›responsive‹²›}” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]Below is […]

Mental Health Resources

Dystonia is a neurological disorder that affects the physical body, but the impact goes far deeper and may affect a person’s emotional and mental health. Individuals diagnosed with dystonia commonly experience symptoms that affect more than how the body moves. If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, please consider reaching out for help. The […]

Co-Founder Frances Belzberg Appointed to the Order of British Columbia

Portrait of smiling woman with a white bob hair style and wearing pearls.

Frances Belzberg, who in 1976 co-founded the DMRF with her late husband Samuel Belzberg, was one of 16 individuals appointed to the Order of British Columbia, the Province’s highest recognition. More than 250 individuals were nominated this year. In 1996, Ms. Belzberg was appointed to the Order of Canada, the nation’s second highest honor of […]

New Dystonia Drug Candidates Discovered

stylized image of pill

Several research teams reported major advances in the development of new drugs to treat movement disorders including dystonia. In one of the preclinical studies, investigators have identified several compounds that retain the beneficial effects of anticholinergic drugs like Artane® while eliminating side effects. Another research group successfully corrected dystonic brain abnormalities in mice with a […]

Creative Coping: Tips & Tricks for Daily Life

This article was published in the Dystonia Dialogue. Medical treatment for dystonia is available, but effectiveness varies. Few treatment options, on their own, provide 100% relief. Living well with dystonia often requires creative adaptations invented by those experiencing the disorder firsthand. An international team of clinicians recently published examples of the “self-concocted, curious, and creative” […]

Accelerating Advancements in Deep Brain Stimulation

Profile view of a glowing human brain against a dark, cloud-like background.

This article was published in the Dystonia Dialogue. Svjetlana Miocinovic, MD, PhD is Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology, Movement Disorders Section, at Emory University School of Medicine. Her research focus is on the electrophysiology of human motor circuits and the development of device-based therapies. Her clinical focus is using deep brain stimulation (DBS) […]

Building a Multi-Level Support System

This article was published in the Dystonia Dialogue. Living well with dystonia often requires complex treatment plans, ongoing medical appointments, and careful self-monitoring of symptoms and response to treatment. Having a multi-level support system can help you feel and function at your personal best. Social support in particular can have dramatic and positive effects on […]

High Impact Exercise More Likely to Worsen Dystonia

The benefits of exercise and physical activity for neurological disorders is well-known. Individuals with dystonia may experience numerous barriers to healthy levels of exercise, including the fact that physical activity sometimes worsens dystonia symptoms. A team of exercise scientists and physical therapy experts at University of Auckland in New Zealand conducted a survey of 260 […]

TorsinA Restoration in DYT1 Dystonia Model Identifies a Critical Therapeutic Window

A protein in the brain called TorsinA is known to cause childhood onset dystonia when it cannot function properly due to genetic changes in the DYT1/TOR1A gene. This makes TorsinA a possible target for new treatment approaches. Numerous research teams across the world are investigating whether restoring normal TorsinA function could be an effective strategy […]

DMRF-Funded Investigators Develop New Approach to Studying Motor Control


DMRF grantee Jesse Goldberg, MD, PhD, Associate Professor and Robert R. Capranica Fellow in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Cornell University, has developed a groundbreaking new approach to studying dystonia and other movement disorders. The study of dystonia has always required posing fundamental questions about how the human brain controls and coordinates movement. […]
